Verse And Steel Press Release
The Editors: K. Peddlar Bridges, Publisher: RoadHousePress, Beverly, MA. Printer: Harvard Book Store, Cambridge, MA. The Writers and Poets: Ironhorse Writer, Sorez the Scribe, Bikerwolf, Don Clady, Lizzard Smith, Bob Touchette, Renee Choinere, Sharpie, J. Barrett Wolf, Michael Brown, Gypsypashn, Rusty Sprocket, Martin Jack, Blaze Elliot, Chopprkate, Spike, Kenny Gentleman, Tim Hayes, Wild Bill, Moshe, Uglicoyote, Paul Brandis, K. Peddlar Bridges and of course.. MarySusan Williams-Migneault AKA Sue. Featured Photographers: Bob Touchette, Doug Barber (Q-Ball), Dexter Balyeat Jr. Guest Photographers: Jadie Clark, Lady Pat, Mary Carol Kennedy, Karla Sharpensteen, Daniel De Lone, and photos taken by our editors and poets or contributed by Connecticut Cruise News Newspaper Archives! An excerpt….
Verse and Steel -- An Introduction. “While Verse and Steel is a book of poetry, stories, and photographs, it is not just any kind of poetry, or any kind of story, and the photographs are not just snapshots. The collection of poems, stories and photographs in Verse and Steel are the heart and the soul of Biker Poets/ Writers/ Artists bursting out from the constraints of social and academic profiling. The stories are Biker Stories. The photographs capture, in the blink of an eye, the shadow of memories rolling along the pavement, tattooed on the skin, engraved in history, as Biker Bard and Bike ride through towns, cities, hillsides, and lives; leaving the gravel split, the campfire’s embers to turn to ash, and citizens peering through their windows to catch a glimpse of the thunder-rider flashing chrome in the gleam of their envious eye.” -- MSWM Verse and Steel: Twenty-three Biker Poets and Writers and three featured photographers: Doug Barber (, Bob Touchette (Highway Poet Mcc and BPWA Member), and Dexter Balyeat, Jr., and many others, who bring their unique and distinctive photographic eye to the pages of Verse and Steel!! The poems and stories jump start to life as you turn each page! As the editors of Verse and Steel, K. Peddlar Bridges, Sorez the Scribe, and myself, MarySusan, we have truly enjoyed showcasing each and every photo, poem or story! You will get to know each artist through their brief biographies, but you will truly ride with them to that place where the wind and road meet the pen!