Welcome to "The Game Room". Below is a collection of free online games. At the very bottem is a collection of Java based games running on my server.
If you have any problems with these games, your browser either does
not support Java or you have disabled it. Have fun!
Battleship!: Remember the board game we played as kids? Well this one is much better. One of the best Java based games I have found.
Hangman: Yes it's that old favorite. This one containes the names of 41 Presidents.
Check It Out: This is a timed challenge to check as many boxes as you can before the time runs out.
Black Jack: Now here is a way of loosing a lot of money without loosing any money!... Then again... you won't win any either.
Bomb Sweeper: A Java version of Mine Sweeper. Very difficult. A lot of fun!
Lights Out: Try to eliminate all the boxes to win. When you check a box the squares around it (one above, one below, and one to each side) are unselected. You can play in five different levels of difficulty. Addictive!
Shift It: Play this addictive little JavaScript game - try to put all the pieces in alphabetical order, 'A' through 'O'. Awesome!
Simon Sez: Try to keep up with encreasingly more difficult patterns generated by "Simon".